On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, Reggie Bautista wrote:

> Julia wrote:
> >I later came up with a way of radically expressing myself regarding the
> >bullhorn.  Seize the bullhorn, drop trou, and shower it.  And I made it
> >clear that if I'm ever pregnant and awakened by a bullhorn at an ungodly
> >hour ever again, I *will* do that.
> So now the real Julia comes out...
> :-)
> Reggie Bautista
> Remind Me To Not Make Her Mad Maru

Hey, I try not to give much more than I get.  :)

If the guy in question had apologized to everyone in the "quiet" area of 
camp that he woke, I'd have accepted the apology and left it at that.  He 
claimed he was doing no wrong, and anyone close enough to the lower field 
to be awakened by the bullhorn was just asking for it to begin with.  
*That* didn't sit well, and prompted the idea of the "radical 
self-expression" I came up with.



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