On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, G. D. Akin wrote:

> 3.  Jame's White's "Sector General" books.  I haven't read any of these.
> Anyone know what these are about?

Think Babylon 5, except it's a hospital -- humans and aliens coming 
together to treat the sick and the hurt in their sector of space.

And the aliens show a lot more variation than in the Star Trek universe, 
which a couple of other people have mentioned.

The first couple of books are collections of short stories about Sector
General, but some of the later ones are proper novels.  The original short
stories were first published in magazines.

Now, does anyone know where I can get a copy of White's _Underkill_ in the 
US, or am I going to have to order from amazon.co.uk?  (There are a couple 
of other books I want to order from the UK at some point, might just add 
that to the list....)  amazon.com didn't list it at all when I was on a 
James White hunt there.



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