> From: Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> At 09:57 AM 11/8/03 -0600, The Fool wrote:
> > > From: Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > > At 10:09 PM 11/7/03 -0600, The Fool wrote:
> > >
> > > >Of particular concern to conservative critics was a scene in which
> > > >Reagan says of gays who have AIDS: "They that live in sin shall
die in
> > > >sin."
> > > >
> > > >Mr. Reagan made no such public remark,
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > I still haven't heard your explanation of why IYO it was wrong of
> > > critics to object to the script putting those words in his mouth.
> >
> >It was toned down from what he really said.
> Do you agree that what he is documented as actually saying was "Maybe
> Lord brought down this plague," because "illicit sex is against the Ten

> Commandments"?

The script writers claim to have documentation for every single line,
this line fits in with their assertion.  It also fits in with fact that
the idiot that controlled the White house for 8 Years did nothing to stop
the spread of HIV/AIDS at all.

> >(The sentiment is the same if worded slightly diferently).
> Not necessarily.  Many religious people believe that homosexual
behavior is 
> a sin.

Because reading the bible makes you stupid, elitist, and intolerant?

>  Some of them may indeed believe that AIDS is God's judgement on 
> those who continue in their homosexual behavior despite being warned
> it is a sin. 

These people are the same as Osama and Hitler.

> AFAIK, few of those (with the possible exception of a few 
> like the "reverend" Fred Phelps) want homosexuals to get AIDS and 
> die.  Most of them want them to repent and change their ways before it
> too late.
> What evidence do you have that President Reagan wanted homosexuals to
> AIDS and die rather than for them to stop behaving in ways which are
> to lead to them contracting the disease before they contract it and it
> too late?

He did absolutely nothing in his entire presidency to halt in any way the
spread of the disease which is now killing tens of millions of people.


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