Damon Agretto wrote:

> Hi all,
> My job offers educational reimbursement that I am
> seriously considering to use to go for a Masters
> degree, in order to break the cycle of underemployment
> I'm in. We recently picked up a new person in our
> department that has an MBA from the University of
> Phoenix (the O-L people). Are there any opinions on
> this sort of program? How is an MBA from them viewed
> by potential employers? How legitimate is it?

I have a friend who works for the Nevada Department of Education whose job
it is to research universities and make recommendations on accreditation.  I
asked him about the University of Phoenix a couple of months ago.  He said
UP is a good school and accredited.  They are not just an on-line school,
but have campuses in several locations.  They have a huge campus in Denver
(actually Aurora I think) near a huge technology center.

Their main focus is adults who work full-time and are looking to improve
their careers.

They have a PhD program which is quite rigorous, but it is focused on
adavancing you in your chosen career rather than training you for a life of
research and teaching.

They are quite expensive as well, but since most students get their
companies to pay tuition, they get away with it.

George A


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