At least it is on topic.
Lesh ab-Tothtoon ab-Rosh ab-Kosh ab-Erbl 
     ul-Zhuup ul-Vijls ul-Lith ul-Heebi

     The Lesh are at the pinnacle of their career as a main-sequence species.  
Staunch members of the Tothtoon super-clan, the Lesh are its leading 
merchants and widely regarded as the second most influential members after 
the Thennanin.  The Lesh are moderate but stalwart Awaiters.  

Lesh are descended from large, four legged, semi-upright gatherers that lived 
in tropical and semi-tropical forests.  The proto-Lesh were extraordinary 
generalists who climbed well, but also harvested resources in scrubland.  
Proto-Lesh social behavior was also highly generalized.  The size of 
proto-Lesh social groups varied with resources diversity.  Most of the time 
proto-Lesh were semi-solitary but in the presence of abundant food proto-Lesh 
would form pack-sized social groups, and in the event of a windfall, group 
size could be very large indeed.  Note that the proto-Lesh actually formed 
social groups with complex politics and even food sharing--the groups were 
not mere population aggregations like occur among bears during a salmon run.  
Proto-Lesh social groups were very flexible.  When food was abundant groups 
would grow and were fairly peaceful except for occasional dominance displays 
and competition for females in oestrous.  As a food supplies became depleted 
conflict increased and proto-Lesh social groups dwindled.  

In cases where resources were relatively dense and persistent proto-Lesh 
tended to form proto-communities.  Each proto-Lesh had its own network of 
relationships although there might be persistent groups of high network 
density called cliques.  Persistent high density populations also had a 
transient character as proto-Lesh drifted into the area.  Out-migration 
tended to balance in-migration when nagging social-political conflict and 
adverse changes in dominance caused other proto-Lesh to leave an area of 
consistently high resource density.

Uplifted Lesh look like upright bears with short legs and long arms that end 
in three fingered hands.  The Erbl uplifted the Lesh to excel as merchants, 
and they succeeded brilliantly.  The Erbl retained proto-Lesh social 
behavior.  The Lesh can work in a large array of social configurations, 
though many Lesh spend a lot of time alone.  Unfortunately, Lesh are not 
ideal "organization men"--they are seldom happy in low-prestige jobs.  The 
Lesh uplifted their first clients, the Zhuup, to fill roles in 
middle-management and as laborers.

Lesh enjoy new things and seek out new experiences.  Lesh are amiable and, 
while not exactly xenophilic, they enjoy the company of most other sapients 
and often keep pets.  The ubiquitous solitary Lesh free-trader or lone trader 
and his or her child typically make the most of their time in port with any 
other Lesh they might meet there, then move on without any sign of remorse.

Though Lesh exhibit altruism from time to time, they always strive for the 
optimum diplomatic or economic bargain.  Human who deal with Lesh say its not 
true a Lesh would sell her own mother ... but mom's house and favorite pet 
are negotiable.  

Lesh military forces are just adequate to protect the clan's considerable 
industrial and mercantile interests as well as Clan Tothtoon mutual security 
obligations.  Militarily the Lesh are a respectable but not a great power.  

Not surprisingly Lesh are active in the institutes of Trade, Navigation, and 
Money.  They are also well represented in the institutes of Coexistence and 
Civilized Warfare.  Human wags have said that Lesh foreign policy can be 
summed up as "free trade good, war bad."  The Lesh are not pacifists but do 
not like conflict because it is bad for business.  Lesh diplomats are active 
mediators, often acting through the auspices of the Galactic Institute for 
Civilized Warfare.  

Lesh trade actively with Earth Clan, though the terms of trade are not always 
regarded as fair by Terragens.  Lesh development aid to the Terragen 
Confederation has been modest.  However, during the Siege of Earth and its 
aftermath the Lesh have given New York considerable aid-in-kind and free 
economic development advisement.  The increase is largely regarded as a 
demonstration of solidarity with the Thennanin and their new Garthling 
clients rather than an intrinsic interest in Earth Clan.  On the other hand, 
Lesh--consistent with their conflict averse foreign policy--have been highly 
critical of the current climate of aggression.  Lesh relations with the 
Obeyer Jophur are strained to the breaking point.


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