Travis Edmunds wrote:
> For example, the other day a friend of mine asked
> me an interesting question.  He wanted to know
> what type of species I would use, if I could
> magically have one million individuals of that
> species, as a ground force army.
> Finally after much deliberation, I had the
> field narrowed down to three possible choices:
> -Klingons (Star Trek)
> -Jem'Hadar (Star Trek)
> -Jaffa (Stargate)
> What species would you pick?  What would you base
> your decision on?  Do you have any choices that I
> may have initially overlooked?
> -Travis

Protectors (from Larry Niven's Known Space series)

Strengths:  super strong, super fast, super
intelligent, do not age, excellent engineers who
would run circles around MacGuyver at his best.

Weaknesses:  The only thing that motivates a
Protector is the survival and success of his
descendants.  In some of the more flexible
sub-species (humans included), "my descendants"
can be generalized into "my species as a whole"
with the right conditions.  Unless you have
unassailable control over that, their loyalty can
shift in a moment.  I would use them in such a way
that I was (either actually or in their minds)
related by blood, and that they understood my
goals enough to make them happen.

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