In a message dated 12/18/2003 12:35:04 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 

> >A sense of accomplishment
>  >
>  >William taylor
>  Not exactly.<lol>
>  -Travis

He did something, didn't stay done, done did go, and did done end at home.

What more do you want?

This guy went into the forest one day. Once there he got it, but he
> >
> >  get it. So he left it there and brought it back home. What did he get?
> >

Stinky feet.

And he is too fat to take off his socks.

So he left it there by walking through a stream.

When he got home, he had stinky feet again.

Geeze you're strict.

William Taylor
Back from second viewing of

Only change: They dropped the preview that
got booed opening night.

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