On Tuesday 2003-12-23 23:27, Deborah Harrell wrote:
> <jaw dropping>
> How can you *possibly* equate sexual activity between
> consenting adults to abortion?  Especially since
> homosexual sex has *no* chance of leading to abortion?

With the disclaimer that I do not know JDG's personal views on the matter, 
homosexuality and other sexual practices are *NOT* private matters for many 
conservatives.  At minimum they involve issues of sin and morality and at 
most they have grossly corossive effects on society, possibly even leading to 
Gibonian decay.

I am pretty much a social darwinist (more cynical, disillusioned liberal than 
a real conservative), but used to work with people who were much more 
conservative than me.  I once said that Clinton's effort to allow homosexuals 
in the military (then maybe 8 years history) was morally laudible 
(irrelevant, social darwinist remember) and importantly technically and 
fiscally responsible ... I was gently reminded that not everyone thought that 
letting gays in the military was noble, some people thought it morally 
reprehensible and a pernicious idea no matter how appealing from a fiscal or 
technocratic perspective. 


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