At 03:23 PM 12/28/03, Michael Harney wrote:
I just reviewed the archives back from the day I started filtering (I am
recieving only OT and BRIN posts).  I was only interested in seeing if
someone had solved the riddle, but noticed several replies to my "Filtering"
post.  I realize that my request that noone post on environmentalist,
particulary anything that might be considered an insult to
environmentalists, while I am not feeling well is an unreasonably
restrictive request.  Please know, I am in an extremely stressful situation
right now, so am running very on-edge.  It is my problem, not the list's,
and that is why I went to filtering.  I am still filtering, so will not
recieve either this post or any of its replies.  I appologise if my actions
have cause anyone to feel badly.  My problems are not the fault of anyone on
the list, and, had conditions been better, I probably would have handled the
situation much better than I did.  Hopefully, things will turn around in my
life soon, so I can feel better and be able to participate in such
discussion without feeling overwhelmed or going overboard.


I appreciate that, and I am sorry that mine was the original post which caused your upset. I had a similar situation when Julia lost her dog: D.J. was already sick and while I was still hopeful, I was afraid I might be going to lose him (as I eventually did) and so I couldn't say much at the time. Please do understand that I don't want you or anyone else to leave the list because of anything I or anyone else posts.

-- Ronn! :)


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