--- David Hobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ritu--
>       Good to hear from you on this.  (Now if I only knew
> what
> a 'gujju' was...)  
>       Around here, most foreign convenience store clerks
> seem to
> be Pakastani or Iranian.  But you know how bigots
> are, they usually
> are not that picky about who they are prejudiced
> against.
>                                       ---David

I tend to think that only a professional
grievance-seeker would be offended by this.  I'm proud
that Indians are working in gas stations and
convenience stores - that's the first step on the
ladder of the American Dream, and good for them for
getting out there and working hard instead of sitting
on their ass complaining about racism and the
oppression of American society.  I don't think there's
anything demeaning about it at all, and I don't think
any less of Hillary for making the joke.  She has been
a surprisingly good Senator and is, with Joe
Lieberman, one of the handful of really effective and
reasonable voices on foreign policy in the Democratic
Party.  My opinion of her has never been higher, and I
can't imagine that this little thing will do her any harm.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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