On Thursday 2004-01-15 20:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> <Snip>
> > > _That's_ what's inspiring about it.
> >
> > Who cares if its inspiring?
> >
> > Look I was raised to be a liberal.
> >
> > I feel that we should fund medicaide and take care of poor
> > sick folk.  (Heck,
> > I am poor with chronic illnesses and would *benefit* from socialized
> > medicine.)
> >
> > I feel that we should fund primary and secondary education
> > till public schools
> > can flush money down toilets.
> >
> > I feel that we should provide adequate housing for everyone.
> >
> > I feel ... well you get the picture.
> >
> > I THINK all of this would be bad public policy.

> I'll give up on the space program when you give up the social programs....
> Philistine From Hell

Um.  I thought I was pretty clear.  I HAVE given up on the social programs.

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