> Worthy of study, perhaps. No different than the
> myths of any other
> culture.  We don't treat the myths of apollo or
> mithas as history.  The
> real history is what the dogma of being trvth or
> historical of these
> myths/doctrines caused people to do.

First of all, you assume the Bible is ONLY about the
"mythology" of Judaism/Christianity. It is not. It is
actually a SET of several different books, at least
one of which is historical in nature.

You criticized the book previously as NOT being
verifiable by other evidence, which is not true. We
know that there WERE hebrews in Egypt, verified by
evidence from Egyptian writings. We know that the
Hebrew people moved into modern-day Palestine. This is
also in the Bible. I'm not a bible scholar, nor is the
Ancient near east an area of specialty for me. But
there are at least 2 examples that proves your
position as being unsupportable.

Your problem, however, is that for you there are only
2 interpretations (from my perspective, at least):
Literal and Mythical. There is indeed a third: it
involves critical thinking and weighing the evidence
presented in the Bible based on other evidence and
what is known about the period. Some parts of the
Bible cannot be verifiable, some parts are
unsupportable, but some parts ARE. A good historian
knows how to read and evaluate these sources, and most
importantly, knows how to read them IN CONTEXT with
the material. 

The Old Testament, FREX, is a series of histories,
stories, and other material that are essentially Oral
traditions finally written down after hundreds of
years  of being passed down verbally. To read these
materials out of that context would create false
conclusions, not just on "Biblical" history, but with
regards to History itself.

This is why I called you essentially a Fundamentalist.
You look at the Bible as something thats supposed to
read like a High School history book: Historical Fact
Writ Large, Unassailable, and Unquestionable. When you
discover that's not the case, you dismiss it as being
pure rubbish. So I tell you that you're not reading it
correctly, and perhaps you are not reading history (in
general) correctly either. 

Of course you are so biased that it doesn't matter
what I say, or anyone else. No matter how much I
suggest that the Bible is a valid source of history,
as valid as Geoffrey of Monmouths _The Kings of
England_, Caesar's _The Conquest of Gaul_, or
Thucydides' _The Peloponessian War_, I think you will
be convinced that it is utter tripe.  And that's your
loss. Even as an agnostic I recognize the value of the
Bible in historical inquiry.

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Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
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