Doug Pensinger wrote:
> Julia wrote:
> > She also has never been pregnant.  There's something that a character in
> > that book does while pregnant, and in a book discussion I participated
> > in sometime before I got pregnant, someone who *had* borne a child or
> > two pointed out that that rang false, and I remember sometime during my
> > first pregnancy thinking about it and yeah, *I* might have done it while
> > not pregnant, but sure as heck not *during* a pregnancy.  (Now I've
> > forgotten what it was, I just remember the reactions.  I do that
> > sometimes -- forget what the detail *was*, but remember the reaction.)
> Like leading a charge against the predatory species chanting we are many,
> they are few?  

I think that was it.  It's been awhile since I last read it, and a lot
has happened since.

> The only other thing I can think of is when, after one of
> the party Sandoz was particularly fond of, she put his hand to her belly
> to feel the child kicking .

That's not at all out of line.  It's really fun to see the reaction in
people's faces when they feel a baby kick like that.  :)
> Have you read the sequal?

Yes, and it's been awhile for *that* as well, but I recommend it

(I also recommend that if you get the opportunity, meet the author. 
I've said that about a number of authors, though, haven't I?)


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