David Hobby wrote:
> "Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> >
> > At 09:50 PM 1/29/04, David Hobby wrote:
> >
> > >In my experience, real scholars avoid administrative work like
> > >the plague!
> >
> > True!
> >
> > >(I should know, it's my turn to be Chair...)
> >
> > Is it only coincidence that the position is named after an object which
> > most people sit on and some people put their feet on?
>         Weeeeell, back when there were postmen and stewardesses,
> they used to call it "chairman".  But now we say "chair", to avoid
> being thought unwitting tools of the Patriarchy.
>                                         ---David
> Chairone?

I've heard "chairperson".

And what I hear a lot in the circles I'm in is "co-chair".  As in, two
people sharing the responsibility (and the blame) for being ultimately
in charge of running a convention.

But it amuses me to think of it just being a certain phase-shift away
from "chair".  :)


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