Heebi ab-Lesh ab-Erbl ab-Kosh ab-Rosh ab-Tothtoon  
  wol:ab-J'8lek ab-Khilp ab-Brawch

When the very successful and respected Lesh began the Lith uplift project they 
expected that they were uplifting their last client.  The Lesh, through 
little effort of their own became the foster patrons to their Heebi 
god-clients in the wake of the Stoort rebellion against their J'8lek patrons.

The J'8lek ab-Khilp ab-Brawch ul-Kaschan ul-Stoort ul-Heebi ul-B'8koo were 
uplifted by the Khilp as a servitor race.  When mature the J'8lek proved 
avaricious, ambitious, and ruthlessly efficient capitalists.  The J'8lek rose 
rapidly in Galactic society and soon had scores of planetary leases and four 
clients.  Unfortunately, their ruthless greed drove the Stoort, their 
military arm, to team with the Khilp diplomats in a rebellion.  The Stage Two 
Heebi also actively supported the rebellion.  After a mere 623 hab-years of 
war the J'8lek lost all but two planets and the B'8koo.  (The GUI ruled that 
the J'8lek were harsh, but not _per se_ abusive patrons.  Indeed, the fact 
the Stoort rebelled successfully impressed the GUI with the quality of J'8lek 
uplift projects.)  As the leaders of the rebellion the Stoort opted to end 
their uplift, the Kaschan were fostered to their Pargi god-patrons and the 
Heebi to the Lesh.  J'8lek planetary leases were re-assigned to the rebels 
and their new patrons in the negotiated peace settlement.

The J'8lek planned to uplift the Heebi as a specialized servitor race.  The 
Heebi were well suited to the role with only a couple of deficits.  
Proto-Heebi were centipedal with two limbs per segment.  All proto-Heebi had 
a comensual relationship with one or two species of large herbivores, or in a 
couple of instances with large pack-hunting carnivores.  The main population 
of proto-Heebi followed herds of very large herbivores.  They grubbed for 
roots and insects in soil and tree trunks disturbed by their associated 
species.  They also groomed the comensual species, cleaning off parasites.  
The presence of the huge herbivores also offered the smaller Heebi some 
protection from predators.  Proto-Heebi were in many ways a very promising 
species--they even used primitive tools and cooperated.  Proto-Heebi had low 
levels of sexual stratification, mating jealousy and territoriality.  Young 
resembled adults with fewer segments, but had distinct, prolonged childhoods.  

Heebi are born with an anterior segment, five limbed segments, and a posterior 
segment.  All proto-Heebi were dormant for about a quarter of their homeworld 
year.  During this time they would excrete a chrysalis, absorb their 
exo-skeleton, grow a new segment, then a new exo-skeleton.  Heebi have been 
modified so that they only need a growth hibernation period every four or 
five hab-years.  A growth hibernation period lasts a little over one-third of 
a hab-year.  Proto-Heebi all went dormant in one season.  There is no strong 
seasonality in Heebi growth hibernation so at any given time a fraction of 
the population are dormant.  With the exception of its anterior and posterior 
segments, every Heebi segment has two limbs.  All limbs end in four digits.  
Heebi use all their limb-ends indiscriminantly as both feet and hands.

When they were fostered to the Lesh the J'8lek were considering advancing the 
Heebi to Stage Three.  However, the Lesh wanted to revisit Stage Two for the 
Heebi, so advancement to Stage Three has been postponed.  There is much to 
admire in the Heebi.  They work well together, are amiable and get on well 
with aliens and strangers.  Heebi are sensitive to others moods and enjoy 
pleasing others.  Conflict is rare in Heebi society.  They tend to form 
devoted attachments to powerful individuals and patrons.  A tendency that is 
not out of place in a servitor race.  The Heebi are even moderately ambitious 
and should make adequate Galactic citizens.  The primary drawback with the 
Heebi project, as the Lesh see it, is that the J'8lek left allowed the 
typical Heebi without guile.  They are honest to a fault and trusting to the 
point of gullibility.  It is the rare Heebi who has the discretion due a 
servant.  They can understand secrets and secrecy, but getting a Heebi to 
give up secrets is trivially easy.

Lesh, Zhuup, and to a much lesser extent Vijilus currently use Heebi as 
personal servants.  Personal servants are seldom allowed to interact with 
outsiders.  Since the Lith and Heebi are nominal equals, the Lesh do not 
allow Lith to have Heebi servants.  Nevertheless, when Lith encounter Heebi 
it is evident that the Lith take measured advantage of the situation.  Heebi 
are also found in service roles where personal discretion is not at a 

Erbl Clan Tradition dictates that all members must be self-sufficient, at 
least theoretically.  Lesh have indicated that Heebi guilelessness will be 
*the* priority for Stage Two in the Heebi project.  The goal is for Heebi to 
have their own ventures in hospitality; running casinos, hostels, 
restaurants, and interstellar passenger lines.


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