Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reviews for Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ"
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 18:36:25 EST

> I sincerely doubt that I
> would have a problem with it if I were born and raised a Nazi. Do you
> understand where I am coming from?
No. There's a moral relativism at work in your statement that I can't fathom.

Indeed there is. But why you can't fathom it, is something I can't quite fathom myself.

It's as if you're saying that you can't choose between anything because
everything is valid to the person who holds the opinion. Basically, you don't have
a right to your opinion because it might somehow conflict with someone else's.

It's difficult to choose between anything really. Especially since (this is merely a reiteration) I challenge any assumption sets I am presented with. However I take that proverbial step back, and direct myself the core of any issue. I mean you and I for example, could bludgeon each other with facts about many topics, but we would get nowhere. It's just a game of tag, and we're running around in circles. So I choose to seek fundamental truths hidden in anything. That is the integrity of which I speak, and I absolutely cannot approach things any other way.

And in this case I seek truth, hidden in the guise of predisposed ideology, which is namely the concept of evil. I have a problem with such black & white decisions made by people on this entire concept. Even beyond the typical supernatural evil, into the realm of sane and rational man-made evil, people still revert back to this dogmatic view of things. Do not deny this Tom, for it's all there "on paper" so to speak. And how you can so proudly state, that I'm wrong, your right, some people are unquestionably evil, some people are "filth",......(it goes on and on).......just amazes me, and proves my point.

You don't have to agree with me. But I would urge you to think about things, and make up your own mind, as opposed to waving the banner of predisposed ideology for all to see. Of course it's also possible that you have done this already, and have decided that the black & white approach to the concept of evil holds truth for you. If that is truly the case, then I accept that, and this discussion is over. I don't however agree with that, but if you have, at the very least recognized the possibility of evil not being what you may think it is, then all is forgiven. For that is really all I was looking for. I understand people cannot be easily swayed on certain issues.


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