People of the list,

I ask that you forgive me for what I am now about to do, and that you understand the reasons behind it. You see, I have been personally scathed by what I would consider to be an ill-conceived and rather juvenile outburst, on the part of the Fool. This completely unfounded display of despiteful disdain towards my person is crass, antagonistic, and quite needless to say the least. It is also so far below the standards of this list, that it can be branded beyond any doubt, absolute rubbish. Something to be fed to the rats in the gutter, as opposed to the members of this list. And quite frankly I've had my fill.

In any case, please understand that I have no intention of lowering myself to the level that the Fool has so eloquently shown he operates on. You see, I do not consort with such venomous creatures that prey on what they consider to be the young and relatively weak members of the herd. Instead, this young buck tends to frown upon such predatory advances. Which is why this message is being posted to the list in the first place. What better way to thwart this behavior, than to bring it into the light? To display it for all to see!

Of course this type of posting can go nowhere, and fast. Which is why this will be a one time deal for me. I understand the apprehensions of those who have contacted me, and stated their concerns over what this could turn into. Rest assured though, that I have seen this many a time myself on different forums, and I just want everyone to know, that it will go no further than this post. I can only speak for myself though…

Moving on...

Ah yes, top posting. An unwritten rule of etiquette. Yet people do it all the time. And I, though I don't do it often, fail to see why I deserve such harsh treatment on this score. As a matter of fact, I don’t.

"Don't top-post. Ever."

That’s a little authoritarian don't you think? Moreover, I find it amusing that you would have the audacity to say this to me, and not to the likes of Dr. Brin himself. Someone who "top-posts" quite often. But then you wouldn't have the gumption would you? Of course not! The only reason you singled me out, was due to the fact that you thought I'd be a good target for your own obscene arguments. Branding me a "newbie". Well yes, I am relatively new to the list, but I'm not a complete n00b. And even so, it gives you no cause whatsoever to treat me with such disrespect.

"Is 'freedom' one of dr Brins 4 memes? No. Perhaps you should go find out what these 4 memes are if you are going to post on a Brin list?"

In all honesty, I have no idea what those four memes are. And quite frankly, I don't overly care. If I ever stumble across them though, I shall store them in my "clueless" brain. Besides, you left no indication that anyone responding was to utilize those four memes, and nothing else. Far be it for me to render an opinion on a topic on this list! Why, it goes against the fundamental premise of the list in the first place right? Nobody is allowed to discuss ANYTHING, unless it ties directly into your own self-prescribed, and might I add, stagnant sense of academia. This is the way you appear to operate. And if you truly believe in your own sense of self-importance, and you're not just an antagonizing and quite bothersome human being for the sake of being antagonizing and bothersome, then you are aptly named THE FOOL.

As for your blatant question: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING AN A BRIN LIST?", well I was referred here. By Dr. Brin. So...should I not post here? Perhaps not. At least not as far as you're concerned. Get a life.

"Is being a dim-witted top-poster the Meme of the clueless AOL newbie?"

"Top-posting makes one look like an AOL newbie using numbers 4 letters and unable to write."

Initially I was going to say that comments like those amaze me. But that's just a cliched figure of speech. In actuality, I'm not suprised in the least. People like you can be found everywhere. (Pardon me for generalizing. It's something that I argue against. But in some cases it's an accurate way of describing someone). They can be found in bars, restaurants, schools, post-secondary educational institutions, department stores, the workplace, the playground, on the public transportation system, in your own family, and most notably under rocks. You are a fact of life Fool. One that I accept, but don't tolerate. So I think it best that you refrain from such unrestrained outbursts in the future. It's bad for business.

-Travis "that's pretty much all I wanted to say" Edmunds

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