At 05:59 PM 2/15/2004, you wrote:

> For whatever it is worth, it is a common meme among conservatives that
> liberals consider themselves to be smarter than conservatives.

I don't consider myself necessarily smarter than anyone else. What I would
say is that liberals are much nicer people in their politics than conservatives
(not necessarily nicer as people; I know some conservatives who are lovely
people even though their politics make me sick - when I'm not shrieking in rage).

Tom Beck

I hate allegories but can't resist using them. In my immediate family three are liberal, three are conservative and two I don't know about (damn kids, keeping their thoughts to themselves). The shrieking rage typifies the one lib to a T, all of the time. I have been fearful of physical violence against myself or others; or their heart attack when confronting this person about their views. Confronting is not the right word. You could mention the weather, a flat tire, a bad hair day and it's blamed on repubs/conservs. Anything good is only because of dems/libs fighting and overcoming the evils of the other side. Mention one word counter to that view and it quickly blows up.

That may read like an exaggeration but it isn't. It does color and distort my views. Do I think all libs are that way? Of course not, it'd be a stretch to say 1% are as bad.. And I know cons that are as bad but none that I meet everyday.

So you think libs are nicer people in their politics? I don't.

Kevin T. - VRWC
That reads bad at the end. I'm smiling through this whole e-mail; only saying you opinions are yours to make, mine are different.
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