"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> At 09:26 AM 2/20/04, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >The biggest family I know of personally (as in, having met members of
> >the family and talked to them in person) has the oldest child in his
> >mid-to-late 20s and the 12th one is on the way.  One set of twins in the
> >batch, the rest singletons.  Oh, and the dad is an obstetrician.
> LDS or Catholic?

To the best of my knowledge, neither.

They just like having babies and raising them.

There's some personal stuff that was briefly explained to me, but I
didn't quite get it well enough to have a prayer of relating it

But hey, if that's what they want to do, great for them.

And after the first few, it's not so bad -- the older ones are old
enough to help around the house more and play with younger siblings. 
(And in this particular family, on a regular basis, the older children
cook a very nice meal for their parents and then keep the younger ones
out of their hair so they can enjoy a nice romantic dinner for 2 at
home.  Which I think is really nice of the kids, to do that for them.)


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