It's finished. Well as much as gardens can be called finished that is. I simply love it. So much space. Useable space that is. Even had a barbie. It was total bliss. No more muddy paws in my kitchen and already flowers are starting to come out. Planted a small lemon tree and a pear tree, have a black current bush, grape vine and some strawberry plants. Next year will be total fun picking all of that .... if they survive the winter that is. Even have a corner with all kinds of kitchen herbs in pots. And found that the rosemary is flowering. The cutest purple flowers. Never knew it could do that.
I'm impatiently awaiting nice warm dry weather to sit outside and enjoy garden life. We've only had two really nice days since the garden was done and I used those for planting all the refugees from the old ...ehum... garden. And now it's staying wet, cold and windy. Maybe just as well. At least the grass is happy.

Sonja :o)
GCU: Weather on demand


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