> Gary Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I had posted this before: DDT was not banned.
> http://www.malaria.org/inthenews.html
> There was a proposal to ban it entirely in December,
> it failed becuase
> of the poor countries who still use it for malaria
> control.
> Why use DDT? It can be highly effective for several
> years in killing
> mosquitos. (Eventually mosquitos more immune to DDT
> predominate.)
> Alternatives are about 50% more expensive.
> Why not use DDT? The World Wildlife Fund and
> Physicians for Social
> Responsibility, among many others, indict DDT
> chillingly: as a
> carcinogen, a teratogen, an immunosupressant, that
> stays in biological
> systems and concentrates as it moves up the food
> chain.  It was
> responsible for almost wiping out some species of
> birds in the United
> States and measurable quantities were being detected
> in mother's milk.
> The treaty on banning persistent organic pollutants
> such as DDT
> decided to make an exception for malaria control.
> However, some
> people, ahem, have decided to make this an issue to
> bash environmentalists.
> For a paper from both sides before the treaty vote
> see here:

Thanks for the post; I think I hadn't yet read yours
when I responded -- one of the cardinal sins on

who still has over 250 posts to read, and may never
get to resond to some as she'd like

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