Deborah Harrell wrote:

[extensive snippage]

...Of course, I have no idea if this is what he
intended, but he's talking about the psychological
concept of "thrownness," and he describes it better
than many articles that purport to be /about/

There's a term that's new to me...sounds like the
state one is in after being unceremoniously dumped by
a sneaky equine... ;)

I think it originated with Martin Heidegger in his _Being and Time_. As I remind myself about it further (thank you, Google), I remember that it is as much philosophical as it is psychological -- it is in the area of personality theory. It's described in some detail in a paper at

As for your observation, horses are too smart for me. They know that they can kill me without hardly trying, and have attempted to do so once or twice.



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