>Julia wrote-
>wondering how much each trip up the stairs carrying a baby counts on the
>"exercise" bit

There are some people who structure their activities so 
they do stay aerobic with their ADLs (Activities of Daily 
Living) for a minimum of 20-30 min daily.  We have talked
in the past about heart rate monitors and they are really
coming down in price (at work we see prices about
50% what they used to be for "no frills" models).
The other way to generally measure your heart rate
(we use especially with elderly on heart rate limiting
drugs) is perceived exertion, or the talk-sing test.
Perceived exertion is 0-20 range with research
showing people are pretty aware of their
exertion (20= highest exertion, 13=130 beats
per minute roughly)**.  The talk-sing test is that
you are aerobic if you can talk, but can't sing
(discounting if you couldn't sing in the first place).

I would tend to think that your aerobic activity
with your ADLs is way more than mine
(trick might not be going into the anaerobic
range above >.80-.85 chasing youngsters


** generally (220-age) X .65 (or up to .80ish)  is 
considered aerobic

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