Florida’s constitution allows governments to take your land for a public
purpose, such as a road or school, as long as you receive a fair price.

But legislation — which could be approved this week — would allow a city
or county to take an individual’s land, with fair compensation, and sell
it to a private developer for a shopping center or office building.

This is very similar to how George W. Bush, when he was an owner of the Texas Rangers, got the Ballpark at Arlington built. The Texas legislature passed a bill permitting them to condemn privately owned land for the stadium. And some of Bush's partners (including the current owner) went around the Dallas area condemning parcels of land that had nothing whatsoever to do with the stadium project but which they wanted for their own private development projects. They had to pay the actual owners, but were able to force them to sell whether or not they wanted to.

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Tom Beck

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"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never thought I'd see the last." - Dr. Jerry Pournelle

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