From: Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: March for Women's Lives
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 17:50:56 -0700

his posts bespeak a hatred that goes right to the core.

Funny post Dave! <thumbs up> But you people just don't seem to get it; using your above wording as evidence of course. The man is not consumed with a hatred that penetrates to the proverbial core. No, not at all! He is however consumed with himself (this goes beyond survival instincts) and puts great care into presenting us with the Mike Lee mask.

And as for Jim taking the bait...well look around Dave. He's not the only one. In fact, you did just that (took the bait that is) with your post here. *And I'm not so sure that you're even aware of it.*

You see, whenever you reply to Mike in a way that includes cliched speech full of collectively agreed upon definitions of collectively agreed upon words, which form collectively agreed upon phrases then you 'take the bait'. For that is where Mike thrives! He can superbly manipulate that type of speech, and to put icing on the cake, he makes it funny!

So 'what do I do' you might ask? Well, play dirty. Don't use cliche's, don't use collectively agreed upon definitions (debate those definitions!) or collectively agreed upon words (don't recognize those words!). Mike is like Neo, and the cliched, 'witty entertainment writer' type of speech that he thrives in is the Matrix. So take it to him outside the Matrix. Just some friendly advice Dave. Hell, it worked for me.

*Forgive me my arrogant, presumptuous, and slightly offensive manner.*


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