On Mon, 03 May 2004 20:58:12 -0500, Steve Sloan II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gary Denton wrote:
> > Well, I learned about the reliability of the American press
> > last year when I went to independent sources and found out
> > that Iraq had shut down its nuclear weapons program
> > immediately after the first Gulf War.
> Where did this information come from? That definitely sounds
> like one of those "extraordinary claims require extraordinary
> evidence" sorta situations...
> Steve Sloan ......... Huntsville, Alabama =========> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

God, where have you been? Do you just watch Fox?  Sorry, this has been
in my blog so many times and finally filtered out to mainstream media
months ago.

Here Is USATODAY 12/1/03 but I think it is more than a little
self-serving and also was set up to provide an out for intel in the US
who got it wrong.

"Iraqi scientists never revived their long-dead nuclear bomb program,
and in fact lied to Saddam Hussein about how much progress they were
making before U.S.-led attacks shut the operation down for good in
1991, Iraqi physicists say.

"Other leading physicists, in Baghdad interviews, said the hope for an
Iraqi atomic bomb was never realistic. "It was all like building sand
castles," said Abdel Mehdi Talib, Baghdad University's dean of
sciences. "


Now my blog mostly had it from Imad Khadduri who posted it on the web
in November of 02.  He was a real Iraqi nuclear scientist who escaped
to Canada, unlike the fake bombmaker Khidhir Hamza, who Chalabi and
the neocons provided the American press.  After the first Gulf War all
engineers were pressed into service to repair all the damage from US
bombing and shut down the nuclear weapons program which Saddam had
agreed to do.   What is more the CIA and US intelligence knew this
from Kamil who told them and provided documents in 94.  

I could go more into the example of Kamil and how his evidence of shut
down programs was twisted by neocons, not the CIA, to support a war
but that is not what you are asking.

My archive search can only reach back to 2/14/03 but you can see by my
post I had it earlier:  "They were getting notoriety for carrying Imad
Khadduri, a former Iraqi nuclear scientist who has stated that Iraq's
nuclear program was shut down after Gulf War 1 and that Khidhir Hamza,
another former Iraqi scientist, and the Bush administration have
fabricated and exaggerated claims otherwise."


Is that enough, or would three or more examples be better?

I really thought that Bush and Cheney should have been providing that
extraordinary evidence, didn't you?

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