> How about "Spaceballs"?

This was a good movie. With classic gags like Canned Air, John Candy as
Barf, Part man, part Man's best friend, virgin klaxon warning, The Swartz,
Jammed radar (with real jam), ludicrous speed, plot twists where they use
technology to view the movie before it reaches the video rental market, to
find out where the heroes are hiding, the huge and easy to use self-destruct
button, and so on and so on... Definitely not a bad Sci-fi, but one of the

Actually, when it comes to sci-fi movies, it is the rare movie that becomes
a good classic, most become video rental store dross.

To stay on topic here, we are talking about bad sci-fi that makes it to DVD.
I expect there really won't be many noteworthy that make it. 

My vote for the best on DVD.... Dark Star - The Spaced Out Spaceship


Nerd from Hell 


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