The ACLU is at it again, ruling that crosses may not be used as 
Memorials to our war dead on Federal Land.   According to the "logic" 
of this ruling, at minimum the US cemetary in Normandy is 
unconstitutional, and very arguably the headstones at Arlington are 
also unconstitutional.

A federal appeals court has upheld a lower court decision that a 
large white cross sitting on federal land in the Mojave desert 
violates the constitutional guarantee of separation of church and 
state and should be removed. 

The Veterans of Foreign Wars erected a cross in 1934 in memory of 
those who fought and died in World War I. A plaque explaining the 
cross's purpose was placed at the foot of the structure, but the sign 
disappeared long ago. 

After being nearly destroyed several times, the cross -- originally 
two pieces of wood nailed together and planted in the desert -- has 
been changed several times. The latest version is made of two metal 
pipes welded together and painted white. 

"The [9th Circuit] said this case is really quite simple. Using a 
sectarian religious symbol is not permissible on federal land," Peter 
Eliasberg, managing attorney for the ACLU of Southern California, 
said. "Sometimes you just have to hit them over the head three, four 
or five times." 



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