Bryon Daly wrote:

Honestly, why do PDA's and iPods (or other ditial music players) need to be separate items to carry around? It'd probably be a bit too costly
today, but what I
want is a PDA with good color (touch) screen, 20-30GB microdisk storage, good MP3/OGG support, and a CF (compact flash) slot that I can use to download pics from my digital camera's CF card to the PDA's disk. Maybe add Bluetooth and/or wireless internet. <Austin Powers mode ON> Yeah, baby, yeah! <Austin Powers mode OFF> (I'd even demand cell phone capability, but the largish displays on PDAs make them not very conducive, shape-wise, to being phone handsets.)

Use a headset instead of the holding the whole thing up to your ear? Just a thought. I 
like head sets. It greatly simplifies communication, although I feel a bit daft 
walking around talking into nothingness. But it would make the screen usefull, even 
while you are making a call. Just a thought.

I'd like a device like that. Some recording abillity would be greatly appreciated too. I forget lots of things. So if I'm already in the habit of lugging around an electronic device it would be nice if I also could abuse it as a voice activated notepad. It would be much easier then to find pen, paper and a flat surface to write on or type in every letter on a stupid keyboard.

Sonja :o)
GCU: Consumer wishes, an alien concept to producers


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