Highly influential House Speaker Tom Finneran of the MA state
legislature, (a gay marriage opponent who co-sponsored the
anti-gay-marriage amendment) is stepping down, and his replacement is
a gay marriage supporter.


Prospects shift as DiMasi takes over for Finneran
Foes of gay marriage see blow to amendment hopes
By Frank Phillips, Globe Staff  |  September 28, 2004

The effort to bring a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage to
voters in November 2006 suffered a major setback yesterday with
departure of House Speaker Thomas M. Finneran and the elevation of
Salvatore F. DiMasi, whose arrival is expected to shift the
Massachusetts legislative agenda to the left on social issues such as
gay rights, abortion, and stem cell research.
A key legislative backer of the proposed amendment to ban same-sex
marriage and establish civil unions yesterday all but declared defeat,
saying that Finneran's exit from Beacon Hill was the final straw in an
effort that already was in trouble because the state has legalized
same-sex marriage with little of the uproar predicted by opponents.

"It is pretty much over," said Senate minority leader Brian P. Lees, a
Springfield Republican who cosponsored the amendment with Finneran and
Senate President Robert E. Travaglini. The House and Senate, sitting
in a constitutional convention, must vote a second time in the next
session before it could go to the voters on the 2006 ballot.

"In fact, there will be a question as to whether the issue will come
up at all," Lees said. He said the issue has faded to the "back
burners of Massachusetts politics," because few problems have surfaced
with the implementation of the Supreme Judicial Court's decision to
legalize gay marriage.

"With the fact the law has been in effect for a number of months and
with the change in the House leadership, it would appear any change in
the constitution to ban marriage is quickly fading," Lees said.

DiMasi supports same-sex marriage, and Finneran does not. In this
year's constitutional convention, DiMasi opposed all versions of the
proposed constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage and, in some
cases, establish civil unions. He was among the few lawmakers who saw
any amendment as a dilution of the SJC decision legalizing same-sex

Finneran helped engineer the amendments' approval by a slim, 105-92
margin last March, just four votes more than the 101 needed to pass.
Just as DiMasi could when he becomes speaker, Finneran used the
influence of the 160-member House and his knowledge of legislative
rules to steer the debate. Travaglini presides over the convention.

To liberal activists, Finneran's retirement marks a seismic shift on
Beacon Hill. Along with his staunch opposition to same-sex marriage,
he helped hold the line on new taxes in the last year, blocked an
endorsement of stem cell research, and forced lawmakers to sock away
millions of dollars in reserve accounts rather than spend the money on
more social services.

Human services advocates who had been warring with Finneran for almost
14 years, including during his time as Ways and Means chairman, are
convinced that DiMasi will harken back to an era when their concerns
were heard.

"I have spent the last 14 years of my life trying to get around Tommy
Finneran blocking various initiatives," said Judy Meredith, executive
director of the Public Policy Institute and a human services lobbyists
for more than 20 years. "Now we have a guy who is not a knee-jerk
opponent of anything that benefits people in need."
Since news of DiMasi consolidating his hold on the speaker's office
emerged, lobbyists, public interest advocates, and legislators have
spent the last several days trying to forecast a DiMasi speakership.
No clear blueprint of his agenda has emerged, and the North End
Democrat was not talking publicly, telling reporters that he will not
hold any media interviews until his election tomorrow.

His 25-year legislative record is decidedly liberal, positions that
most feel are held out of his own convictions, but driven as much by
the political pressures from the liberal district he represents.

Early in his career, DiMasi did not appear as liberal. "His district
changed, and so did he," said one former lawmaker who knows him well.
"The North End of 1980 is not the same place. It is much more
transient [now] and does not have as many of the traditional Italian
families. He's kept pace with his district. That is evidence more of
his practicality than his ideology."

Though he hasn't spoken publicly about his agenda, DiMasi has pledged
to colleagues that he will empower committee chairmen and the rank and
file, allowing committee chairmen and other individual lawmakers a
greater say in the agenda of the House than they had under Finneran's
autocratic control. He is also vowing to colleagues to bring more
diversity into his leadership team.

But it was the issue of gay marriage, which gripped the Legislature in
a high-profile debate this spring, that appeared to offer many
lawmakers and activists the clearest contrast between the old and new

Gay activists hope to defeat the proposed constitutional amendment if
it comes up in the next session, but it is far from certain it would
come up at all. DiMasi and Travaglini could shelve the amendment and
not call for a vote at all. Or they could bring it up for a vote, and
same-sex marriage supporters such as DiMasi could attempt to persuade
lawmakers to vote against it.

Yesterday, same-sex marriage supporters were ecstatic when it became
clear that Finneran was leaving to join the Massachusetts
Biotechnology Council.

"Now we don't have an opponent in the speaker's office pushing for the
worse scenario in each legislative moment," said Arline Isaacson,
cochairwoman of the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus.

Isaacson said DiMasi's elevation, while a definite boost to her
group's cause, does not guarantee success. Equally important will be
legislative elections: Several gay-marriage supporters in the House
and Senate have retired and may be replaced by opponents. A same-sex
marriage opponent -- Representative Vincent P. Ciampa, a Somerville
Democrat -- lost to a same-sex marriage supporter in a party primary
this month.

In addition, several lawmakers who had voted for the amendment have
privately said they too may switch their positions, particularly since
the SJC decision has been implemented smoothly and the controversy had
faded from the public's concerns.

The leaders of the effort to ban same-sex marriage say they want to
work with DiMasi to persuade him that most Massachusetts residents
want the Legislature to get the amendment to the ballot.

"We hope the new speaker will carry out his constitutional duties and
be responsive to the desires of the good citizens of Masachusetts, the
majority of whom stand for traditional marriage," said Kris Mineau,
president of the Massachusetts Family Institute.

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