----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Brin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: Brin: On the Republicans

> If I responded to their intentional slander in too
> dramatic a manner, I can only apoligize for matters of
> style, as opposed to the absolutely rotten tactic of
> saying deliberate falsehoods to misrepresent the
> opinions of others.

I must say David, this is not the first time that you have accused them of
a crime.  While I don't read your posts exactly as they do; I can see how
someone might read them that way.  Especially if that reasonable person is
a self-proclaimed neo-con, and then you make  statements that I can only
interpret as neo-cons are crazy/poor thinkers etc.  That type of rhetoric
decreases most people's ability to see that, technically, they have not
been personally insulted.

I find it ironic that you do this as a public figure, while you accuse the
president of the United States with treason....on grounds that I find no
more persuasive than the arguments that JFK and IKE were secret commies
that I heard from my dear departed aunt and uncle (both Birchers).  I'll
get back to responding to your post on Bush Sr. taking orders in a bit.

I find Gautam, for example, to be one of the easiest people I know to hold
a civil disagreement with.  He and I have debated over a number of issues,
with great joy and comradely.  In a sense, my opinion is biased because I
consider him a friend....but then again I consider him a friend because we
are able to disagree with great mutual respect.  I don't think that would
be possible if he were as nasty as you imply.

I think JDG and I have been a bit more at odds with each other, but I
really don't think of him of guilty of much more than bad analysis or maybe
stubbornness. :-) As far as his character goes, he's someone who's word I'd
trust more than most people I know. Considering the fact that he works for
the government out of a sense of duty and holds views that are against his
own self-interest, I view him no worse than being a great human being who
happens to be mistaken on a few points.   He also appears to me to honestly
try to parse your meaning.  If he is inaccurate, then it might be an
indication that the drama has overcome the plot in a few posts. :-)

Dan M.


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