----- Original Message ----- 
From: "d.brin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 8:36 PM
Subject: Brin: the new know nothings

> See the following correlation between average IQ in red vs blue
> states. http://chrisevans3d.com/files/iq.htm
> Note while looking at this chart that Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, Ohio,
> Oregon and Florida were all "close".   Bearing that in mind, the
> correlation is simply stunning.  It starkly explains why Ohio and
> Indiana were the northern defectors.

Please tell me this is a silly joke, David.  The chart said they couldn't
source the numbers.  I was able to source SAT scores.  I found that Alaska,
for example, had more people take the test than California, yet had
significantly higher test scores.

I trust this table no more than I trust proofs that blacks are genetically
inferior shown in "The Bell Curve."

Dan M.


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