Dan wrote:

So, the idea that prostitution is not problematic is immune to
falsification for 100 years or so?

The question isn't whether or not prostitution is problematic; it's whether or not the decriminalization of prostitution makes it less problematic. Furthermore, the fact that there are cultural biases dooms a short term trial program to failure. The need to adapt whatever laws and regulations are adopted over time also argues for patience.

The failure criteria I would set over the first decade of decriminalization would be that the changes had made the situation markedly worse. If they had not resulted in a significant improvement inside of 20 years I would be worried.

One area I would expect improvement in almost immediately would be the spread of STDs. I would also think that by legitimizing the industry and levying taxes upon it that (among other things) improvements in health care, education and drug rehabilitation for the prostitutes would quickly improve their lives.


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