>From :Warren Ockrassa
>But yeah, it's possible that after a few centuries of careful
>adjustment it would be pretty hard to tell us from chimps.
>(Interestingly I imagine the scale in reverse would be equally easy to
>achieve -- a few centuries of carelessness and we're basically back in
>the trees. ;)

This is kind of the point I was trying to make.  The Galactics are
used to a process whereby they Uplift a client race who doesn't even
have to come from the same Galaxy as they do, and other than the
accidental similarities brought on by convergent evolution, the
genetics of the race would be 100% different than their own.

Then these same Galactics are told about Man and their client race,
Neo-Chimp, where other than superficial, cosmetic differences they are
virtually identical, even down to the DNA.  I just think it would be
hard to convince any Galactic, especially those who think unaided
Uplift is a fantasy, that they aren't looking at the same animal at
two different stages of Uplift.

John Moynihan

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