On 1 Dec 2004, at 6:31 pm, Dave Land wrote:

Separate, but related subject -- what does this august body know about Chiropractic? I'm a bit of a Chiroskeptic, but my wife just started going to one in Campbell, CA and says she hasn't slept this well in years. Her success convinced me to drop 40 bucks on an initial exam and another 40 on a follow-up.

A friend of mine with a lot of back trouble was recommended by his doctor to see one and found it very helpful. It wasn't permanent though, making repeat visits necessary.

The thing that bugs me is the new-agey, hippy BS that seems to go with it. For example, the spinal chart on the wall in the exam room is publised by "Space Odyssey, Ltd." Please. And the claim on the video viewed before meeting with the doctor to go over the exam that "virtually every disease can be traced back to problems with nervous system" or some such... Hogwash.

Here they are at the most respectable end of the spectrum of complementary therapies. There is a four-year degree and a recognised professional organisation.

There is a chiropractic clinic across the road from me, just round the corner from a medical practise.

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
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