When you said Holy S...T! I thought you were talking about _Saints_ ...
Because we all know saint is a 5 letter word to some of list members.. 
Thanks for trolling the Athiests of the group ;-)


>-----Original Message-----
>From: G. D. Akin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 3:56 AM
>To: Killer Bs Discussion
>Subject: Holy S..t!
>Stargate SG-1:
>Most of you may know, if you are fans of the show, but we are 
>only into Season 7 over here in Korea.  Ironically, I have 
>Season 7 on DVD and
>In part two of "Heros" Dr. Frazier died.  S..t!
>I didn't see that coming although I had heard she left the show.
>George A


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