Erik Reuter wrote:

One thing I was wondering about for a new purchaser was whether they
might increase their chances by buying drive and media with the same
brand, on the theory that HOPEFULLY the company would thoroughly test
the drive and media, with their name on it, together. Of course, that
may not be the case.

We thought that too, and bought Sony drives and Sony media - the drives turned out to be rebadged Lite-On drives (that we could've purchased much cheaper without the rebadging), and to make matters worse, they didn't work properly until we applied a Liteon firmware update (which invalidates the Sony warranty).
My home Sony drive is a genuine Sony with which I've been very impressed, but I've only done 4x as well.

My laptop (Dell) came with +only burner, which was a bit of a shock - it never occurred to me that they wouldn't use a +/- drive.

Russell C.

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