On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 09:21:46 -0800 (PST), Damon Agretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

it's all relative. Just throwing a lot of money at
something doesn't guarantee a solution, nor does it
promise to help any more efficiently than a smaller
amount. A sufficient donation from a country with a
smaller economy and/or population will have a greater
burden on that country than from the US, which has one
of the largest economies in the world (if not THE
larges). It's all in how you spin the numbers...

True. We're sending two carrier groups to the area as well as a fleet of transport aircraft so there are numerous ways we contribute that can't really be counted on the CGD scale. And our contribution to global security _if it was used in a responsible manner_ goes far beyond what any other country (or all other counties for that matter) contributes.

Linking aid to ideological and especially religious criteria, however, really bothers me. The prime example is the abstinence only criteria for much of AIDS relief in Africa.


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