Erik wrote:

The dirty little secret of this shrill rant is that SOMEBODY has to
pay, no matter what you do. These bozos pretend that people are somehow
entitled to live like kings and that nobody has to pay for it. Don't
believe the hype.

Live like kings?? If I was 65 this year and started to collect social security I'd get something like $1500/mo or $18 K a year. Is that enough for anyone to live like a king? If your total retirement income is above $25K, they start to tax SS, and over $34K, 85% of it is taxable.

I agree that Social Security _should be_ a safety net for low income retirees, but that's kind of a hard sell to people that have been paying into the system for 45 years with the expectation that they're going to get something out of it.

Personally, I think they should gradually increase the eligibility age. This privatization crapola smells too much like a scam to me.


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