Trent wrote:

Bad Islamic theology, especially given God's willingness to sacrifice the
faithful as collateral damage.

In fact, the vast majority of those killed were probably not engaged in such terrible sins as nudity.

Very sound Islamic theology.

There is evil in the world.
Evil (often) afflicts the just and unjust without discrimination.
God is the ultimate cause of all things.
God is, by definition, not evil.

Therefore, we posit (with considerable basis in the revealed texts) that such evil as happens to the good is a test of their faithfulness and those who
endure in faith will be rewarded accordingly in due time. Such evil as
happens to the unjust, however, is punishment in this world (and some
theologians say they should be grateful for it, since God is merciful, and punishments metted out in this life will be deducted from those due in the next).



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