On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 18:02:14 -0500, Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Doug Pensinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

But you see, part of your argument is that because the money isn't
hidden away in a vault somwhere, it doesn't exist when in fact a super
majority of the people in this country are of the opinion that it
better damned well exist.

Are you really saying that most Americans are delusional and of the opinion that wishing makes it so?

I'm saying that Americans believe that SS is a promise and that they intend to insure that the government will honor it. You've seen the poll numbers, right?

By the way, I didn't say that I necessarily felt that way; I'm just making an observation. I'm on record for supporting reform including:

1. Gradually raising the retirement age
2. Slowing the rate of increase of the benefit
3. Capping the benefit
4. Dropping the limit on the amount of the benefit that would be taxed
5. Eliminating the (90k) limit on income taxed

I think that the money should be invested in some way shape or form, but the "personal accounts" thing where you have some control of the money but the government restricts you seems to me to be an odd combination of personal control and governmental mothering. I'd just as soon see the government find a good way to invest it. If people want private accounts there are plenty of ways for them to do that without Uncle Sam's help.

-- Doug _______________________________________________ http://www.mccmedia.com/mailman/listinfo/brin-l

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