On Friday 2005-03-04 06:27, David Hobby wrote:
> Trent Shipley wrote:
> What the ????  I can't find any context for this.
> But see comments, below.
>                       ---David

1) You might have seen this on

I did not recognize this as a simple pigeonhole problem of 2n choose n, so I 
cross posted to lists where I thought I might get help and would not be 
accused of an off topic post.

David Hobby, do you live in the Phoenix area?


As for context:

Well all the chatter about things quantum on brin-l made me think of quantum 
computers and computation.

Thinking about quantum computing reminded me that I know virtually nothing 
about the topic, but that ever since taking introductory digital circuit 
design I have  known that flip-flops (the basis of memory circuits) can be 
put into an indeterminate state called "metastable".  Metastability is 
usually regarded by EEs as A Bad Thing.    My immediate reaction was "that 
looks like a QM effect at a macro scale".  When I read about metastability in 
my text book my first idea was that one could use the phenomenon to build a 
random number generator or coin tosser.  (It turns out that there are 
references on the web to patents for random generators based on 
metastability.)  Then I thought, "if you can use metastability to make random 
generators, then MAYBE (if you can find a way to entangle more states) you 
could use metastability to make a quantum computer with off the shelf 
parts ... in a garage on your vacation.

Shure, there is at best a 0.05% chance of success, but IF it worked it would 
rank as more important than the integrated circuit and less important than 
the solid-state transistor.

I even wrote to ask about inducing metastability. 


Most of Dr. Howard Johnson's objections to inducing metastability can either 
be answered or are generically a problem for ANY quantum-ALU (QLU) design one 
might consider.  

"The  metastable window  on a flip-flop is extremely narrow,  perhaps
only  a  few  picoseconds  wide."

This is a design issue.  Since EEs do not want metastability screwing up their 
designs, they minimize the window where metastability can occur.  Working 
from scratch, one could MAXIMIZE a flip-flop's metastable window.

"Furthermore,   it [the metastable window] drifts   with   time,  temperature,  
power  supply  voltage,  and  other  factors."

For quantum computation you need to be able to (more or less) reliably induce 
metastability.  The latch is touchy about initial conditions, so if you want 
to build a quantum computer around one you need to carefully control those 
initial conditions.

"Once  you  set  the potentiometer to create a lot of metastable  events,    
drift  in  the  flip-flop's metastable  window  will soon  cause  the circuit 
to fall off the  metastable cusp,   and  the  circuit  will  return  to   
normal operation.  You have to keep chasing the  metastable window  around if 
you want to observe events over  a long period of time."

Using a latch (or any other basis for a QC) throws the basis out of its 
initial state.  Any engine (including a latch) will have a refractory period 
before it returns to an initial or 'ground' state and is again ready to 
perform another operation.  These refractory periods are likely to be best 
described with probability curves.  One can partly overcome this problem by 
having multiple QPUs in a series so that a fresh QPU in ground state is 
always waiting to take the output from the last QPU that performed an 


Now with an ordinary latch we have an input control lead (it sets the latch to 
remember current state or receive a new state) an data input lead (if the 
control is T, then the data lead sets the latch to either T or F), and an 
output lead that just tells you whether the latch is remembering T or F.  
More literally the latch has TWO output leads, but if one is T the other must 
be F, so we gain no data from the second one.

I had my Digital Design textbook stolen partway through the semester, but as i 
remember it a latch was mathematically:

A[out] -> B[in], Output
B[out] -> A[in]

So, if we have a latch with two output leads we should be able to get it to 
act as the brain of a trivial qpu: it will perform the not so interesting 
operation of "ADD 1".

Unfortunately if we have two latches we do not get either a 2 or a 4 q-bit 
computer.  We just have two weak little 1 q-bit qpu's.  They cannot be 
quantum entangled.

I conjecture that a three component latch (3-latch) will not be stable, but 
have a tendency to "ring".  (Note this is a K-3 graph.)

A[o] -> B[i],C[i], Out
B[o] -> A[i],C[i], Out
C[o] -> A[i],C[i], Out

A 4-latch, however, should be stable.  Like a 2-latch I conjecture it should 
only output bits so that the number of Fs equals the number of Ts.

A[o] -> B[i], C[i], D[i], Out
B[o] -> A[i], C[i], D[i], Out
C[o] -> A[i], B[i], D[i], Out
D[o] -> A[i], B[i], C[i], Out

That is 4 pick 2.  The conjecture is that THIS 4-latch can be built and used 
in a QPU (designed by someone more clever than my self). It will have 6 
states.  Unfortunately, mapping these states to numbers is not as 
straightforward as in a determinate ALU, but counting to 3 should be straight 

Indeed, if one can build a 4-latch QPU then one should, in theory, be able to 
use the same solid-state technology to build a QPU of arbitrary size with an 
even number of output leads.


For the moment, forget about stupid real-world things like latches and quantum 
computers.  Those are toys for experimental physicists at best and dirty 
engineers at worst.

Let's do some mathematical computer science, albeit inspired by the forgoing 

Imagine we have a device that must produce output in pairs so that for every F 
there is a T.  It cannot produce an odd number of outputs.  How many symbols 
can be represented by such a machine's output (how big is the output's 
alphabet) for any output block size 2N that implicitly includes N F's and N 

Now aren't you sorry you asked? 

> ...
> > 2th item:  4  places: 0011
> >                                    0101
> >                                    0110
> >                                    1001
> >                                    1010
> >                                    1100
> >
> >                         6 parity combinations,
> >                         sum of each row is 2
> >                         2^4 possible (16)
> >                         4: 6 :8:16
> This is C(4,2) = 4!/(2! * 2!) = 6.  You are picking
> 2 places out of 4 possible ones to place the 1s.
> > 3th item:  6  places: 000111
> >                       001011
> ...
>                         110100
> >                       111000
> >
> >                        20 parity combinations (if my spreadsheet is
> > right)
> And this is C(6,3) = 6!/(3! * 3!).
> > 4th item: 8 places:   00001111
> >                       00010111
> >                             .
> >                             .
> >                       11101000
> >                       11110000
> >
> >                       70 parity combinations (if spreadsheet right)
> And C(8,4), etc.
> ...
> > NOTE each binary number (or representation of state) has an equal number
> > of 'zeroes' and 'ones'.
> >
> > Because of the parity of zeroes and ones we are only interested in binary
> > numbers with an even number of places.
> >
> > The idea that the sum of symbols for each number equals the rank of the
> > item in the sequence is not proven, but is evident.
> >
> > ---------------
> >
> > Question:
> >
> > For a given item n in the sequence N, how many parity number combinations
> > will occur in the resulting set of all modulo 2^(2n) binary
> > representations?  (How many parity combinations for a given item N?)
> >
> > Is number of binary parities bounded underneath by 2^(2[n-1]) for all N?
> I don't understand the question completely.  But if
> these are just C(2n,n), you can use Sterling's formula
> to approximate the factorials, and get a very accurate
> estimate.

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