On Thursday 2005-03-17 20:25, d.brin wrote:
> Today. In person. One of the most conservative men I know and former
> special forces.  One of dozens who have told me - when I asked about
> the purge - "David, it is worse than you can imagine."
> This is not just the fault of the Straussian fanatics, or even their
> masters.  After all, it was our job to prevent this.  The left bears
> much of the blame.
> Extreme liberals are incapable of realizing that our freedom's
> bulwark has always been the Officer Corps.  Frekazoid super-lefties
> have fetishistically gone out of their way to alienate the military
> and the churches and everything white or middle class they could
> spot, effectively handing any election over to the neocons and
> kleptos.
>   These lefty jerks put us in today's position, where moderate
> liberals and the Officer Corps cannot even perceive the need to help
> each other in the context of an attempted putsch that is starting to
> look eerily and horrifically familiar.  The commies did the same
> thing in the run-up to 1933.

Or possibly in the Soviet Union in the 1930's.

> Our officers need help.  They need it now.  But the liberals cannot
> hear their muffled cries.

Unfortunately, none of our officers, active or retired, has publically asked 
for help.

Until somebody goes on the record and a major news organization reports a 
purge there are no victims needing help and no problem needing a solution.

You are the son of a journalist, and everyday you move closer to being a 
non-fiction essayist than a writer of fictional novels.  You know that this 
is WHY we have a free press.  If you cannot produce specifics....  

Look, if you are 10% right this is a huge problem.  But you cannot document 
it.  Find a journalist to take the story and introduce her to some of your 
sources.  And if it's true then SEVERAL good officers will have to give up 
break ordinary professional ethics and sacrifice careers by making a 
political complaint to the press.

I CANNOT do anything about it.  All I have is hearsay.  Since you have direct 
reports, you could take your concerns to members of your state's 
congressional delegation.  Of course, they will also probably want proof and 
some leads to start an investigation.

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