* Nick Arnett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I feel angry when anyone bring up "inaction" or "doing nothing,"      
> etc., in this thread.  Nobody is suggesting doing nothing.  But there 
> are times when                                                        

Except for Nick.

> something seems terribly wrong by human standards, but God asked us to
> let events unfold, rather than insisting on unfolding them our way.
> Our notion of control gets us in plenty of trouble, partly because we
> imagine that we are in control!  The presumption that only we, the
> United States, can minimize the


> Good heavens, Dan, we can *always* count on God to intervene, my      
> faith tells me.  Without God's constant, total involvement, all of    
> creation would come to a halt and we would cease to exist.  The       
> question is not whether God is involved, the question is what God     
> is asking of us as the body of Christ.  Do you believe that God       
> is constantly involved, constantly present?  Do you believe that      
> sometimes we need to intervene because God isn't doing so?            


> of the majority of Christians around the world?  Would you agree that 
> democracy is a good system not because people are good, but because   
> we have such capacity for wrong-doing?  When the majority of churches 
> and Christians around the world are telling us that what we are about 
> to do is wrong, and leaders that represent a huge number of them      
> present an alternative, how can you say there is no evidence?         

Wow, over the past few years we have got to witness religious
brainwashing in action. Nick used to have a few "out there" episodes
occasionally, but my goodness, now religion has had more time to work
and we can see the results.  Religion has put Nick into permanent
fantasy land. Look kids, this is your brain. This is religion. This is
your brain on religion. Any questions?

> Are they fools?

Yes. And they seem an awful lot like you. I couldn't ignore this thread
any long, since I've been called by the invisible pink unicorns to
spread the word about the horrors of religious brainwashing.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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