--- Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I understand this correctly, you're saying that
> you believe that I have 
> said we should not care about the people affected by
> the status quo when we 
> make a decision about going to war?  You're saying
> that I'm arguing that it 
> doesn't matter if people are suffering terribly,
> that isn't a consideration 
> when deciding whether to go to war or a lesser form
> of intervention?
> If so, then perhaps you'd like to try again, because
> you really don't get what 
> I am saying.  At all.  Want to try again?
> Nick

No.  That _is_ what you are saying.  It may not be
what you are _trying_ to say, but it is what you are saying.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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