----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doug Pensinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 10:30 PM
Subject: Re: What Social Security (and Its "Reform") Say About America
substantially inferior system.
> First of all, you don't have to depend completely on future generations
> they haven't capped the voting age yet (and seniors participate in
> numbers than any other age group), second, because Social Security is in
> everyone's interest, it's highly unlikely that they would be interested
> scrapping it (look at recent poll numbers) and third, the 12.4% _is_
> forgone consumption, isn't it?

If and only if the president doesn't pass other tax cuts...relying on this
tax revenue to run the rest of the government.   Then it is a transfer of
taxes from one income group to another. But, you knew that. :-)

Dan M.


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