On 5/1/05, Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 08:31:38 -0700, Warren Ockrassa wrote
> > Out of curiosity, why is it that Erik and a few others are able to
> > get away with incessant windbaggery and insulting behavior?
> Free speech.
> More seriously... our list managers (Julia, myself and Dave Land as backup)
> have a very strong prejudice toward tolerating words that might be construed
> as violations of our guidelines, such as the personal attack one.  That
> prejudice is extremely strong regarding such words directed at me, precisely
> because I have pretty much total control of the list (except that ultimately,
> the list can move off my servers).
> It's a moral presumption against the use of great power, on the tiny scale of
> the list.
> I suppose I could try to wield my mighty powers to seek some sort of Pax
> Arnetta...
> Nick

Ah, but empires inevitably collapse, leading to an interregnum lasting
a thousand years...
So it is probably better you didn't.


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