On 5/7/05, Steve Sloan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HONOLULU (AP) _ The only whale-dolphin mix in captivity has given
> birth to a playful female calf, officials at Sea Life Park Hawaii
> said Thursday.
> The calf was born on Dec. 23 to Kekaimalu, a mix of a false killer
> whale and an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. Park officials said they
> waited to announce the birth until now because of recent changes
> in ownership and operations at the park.
>     http://www.livescience.com/animalworld/ap_050415_wolphin.html
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Steve Sloan ......... Huntsville, Alabama =========> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are so many things wrong with this...  the mother is a 'false
killer whale', the father an Atlantic dolphin (in Hawaii, mind you), 
the offspring of neither species, a 'wholphin', an unatural product of
different species- which may actually be natural in the wild...


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