--- Gary Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can get a cup of DDT from an environmental
> laboratory near here - wanna 
> drink? Want to feed it to the neighborhood birds?
> Noisy critters anyway. 
> That whole Mother Nature stuff is just so gay.
> -- 
> Gary Denton

And that whole knowing even a tiny thing about what
you're talking about is so overrated.  Why on earth
would any pesticide company bother to fund a campaign
in favor of DDT?  They wouldn't make money off of DDT.
 It's an old chemical.  Banning DDT was a small, but
non-trivial, windfall for the pesticide companies. 
DDT is currently being manufactured by a single
factory in India and it's _still_ a dirt-cheap
chemical.  I wouldn't terribly want to drink DDT.  But
I'd probably be safer drinking it than I would the
other chemicals that we use for insect suppression
_instead_ of DDT.  But God forbid you should actually
conduct an intelligent risk analysis instead of just
parroting the leftist line.

Out of curiousity, Gary, is there _any_ issue where I
couldn't predict your position with flawless accuracy
by moving about three standard deviations to the left
of the American mainstream?  Even one?  

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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