At 09:51 AM 5/16/2005 -0700, Nick Arnett wrote:
>> Not you, Nick.  Most Americans don't think God has an
>> opinion on marginal tax rates, and most of those who
>> do don't share yours.  
>When you write stuff like this, as if I'm another God-in-my-back-pocket 
>prosperity-Gospel preacher, I'm pissed off.  I'm angry when I hear you 
>misrepresenting ideas that are very important to me, life and death issues.

In fairness Nick, what Gautam wrote is also my assessment of your
positions.     You seem to couch an awful lot of your political viewpoints
in Christian terms.    

And I don't see much difference in couching positions on abortion or
homosexuality in religious terms vs. couching positions on marginal tax
rates or foreign policy in religious terms.


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